Committee Membership

Committee Membership

Senator Alex Gallacher, Chair  ALP, SA
Senator Linda Reynolds CSC, (from 5 February 2018) Deputy Chair (from 7 February 2018)  LP, WA
Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie, (from 23 June 2017 to 5 February 2018) Deputy Chair (from 14 July 2017 to 20 December 2017) NATS, VIC
Senator Chris Back, Deputy Chair (to 22 June 2017) LP, WA
Senator David Fawcett  LP, SA
Senator Kimberley Kitching  ALP, VIC
Senator Claire Moore   ALP, QLD
Senator Rex Patrick (from 15 November 2017) CA, SA
Senator Scott Ludlam (to 14 July 2017)  AG, WA
Senator Jacqui Lambie (from 9 August 2017 to 14 November 2017) JLN, TAS

Substitute member

Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, AG, TAS substituted for Senator Rex Patrick  

Participating member

Senator Chris Back (23 June 2017 to 31 July 2017)  LP, WA


Ms Lyn Beverley, Committee Secretary

Ms Margie Morrison, Acting Principal Research Officer

Ms Anna Dunkley, Senior Research Officer

Ms Margaret Cahill, Research Officer

Mr Tom Curran, Graduate

Ms Shannon Ross, Administrative Officer

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